This acts as a green business initiative in the modern days that would involve both employee and customer retention and attraction.
As at October 2020, it reported that there were 164,100 electric vehicles with 373,600 charging stations all over UK. Also 108,205 of those cars were sold with AFVs or Alternatively Fueled Vehicles which amounted to one tenth of new UK motor vehicle registrations. This is indicated as a strong performance where EV range will improve and prices of batteries may reduce. Therefore, more charging station infrastructure is needed which would give rise to business opportunities.
The main reasons for businesses to invest in EV infrastructure:
Leads to opportunities that would attract customers
Focusing on CSR or green business initiatives

Benefits of EV Chargers for Businesses

Attract Customers
Since EV drivers stop to charge their vehicles, EV charger installation in businesses may help them to increase their audience.
2. Ability to place your business on the map
EV drivers may search for charging stations on apps such as Zap-Map. Therefore, your business can gain publicity through this as they would stop by to explore.

3. Offer something that your competitor cannot
Offering your customers the availability to charge their vehicles while shopping is a great advantage for the business and it it something unique from what your competitors offer.

4. Gaining more customer connections
When EV drivers stop by they would connect with the business leading to customer insights and communication of deals while increasing return visits.
5. Supporting CSR by reducing the carbon footprint
Average carbon dioxide emissions rose in 2019 which amounted for 34% of the cars. Therefore, for UK to reach net zero by 2050 businesses should encourage EV and should be mindful on how they would contribute towards this.
6. Back-up your CSR commitments and brand values
Absence of EV charging points may result in a lack of trust in the brand if your business focuses on CSR policies.
7. Retain and attract employees and customers
Leads to a modern culture and innovation which would attract top employees to retain in your organisation. Also there are new tax cuts for employees with corporate EVs which acts as a perk for them.
8. Change is coming and it pays to get ahead
The pressure for the businesses to upgrade on to the EV market is increasing due to the introduction of bans on petrol and diesel vehicles as well as low emission zones. Therefore, expectation of workplace charging provisions by users is in the near future and also businesses have the ability to gain competitive advantage through grant schemes offered by companies or purchasing new electric vehicles.
How to get started?

Set your goals
The number of charging points to serve customers, employees and visitors. Establish the amount you possess and the amount you aim at in the future. Also, the number of new electric vehicles, reduced air pollution with regard to noise and nitrogen oxide, decreased climate and local impact. Then, there is the ability to commence a pilot scheme and scale it up.
Track the costs of the new infrastructure
The price of the unit you choose to go ahead depending on the speed. Then, considering the long term benefits such as grant schemes for higher purchases and no fuel costs with low maintenance which is cheaper by 60%. Also, the grant schemes offered for charging units up to £350 off for 40 sockets. Keeping a track record of the operational costs such as maintenance, installation etc. Moreover, coming up with a cost model to decide if you want to charge the users for using the infrastructure.

Analyse your site
Subsequently, a site visit should be done by a reputed charge point operator to proceed further. As a result, the operator may handover a quotation regarding the installation and the units, recognise charger locations, see if capacity upgrades are needed and discuss needs for any load balancing.
To provide you with the details the operator may analyse the premises, the meter location, maximum electrical and space capacity (actual load minus maximum available). Then, the type and number of electric vehicles using the charger will have an impact on the type and number of charging stations needed.
Some electric vehicles can only utilise slow chargers while others can utilise fast chargers. Fast chargers need a quicker time as well as a heavy electrical load. We should also consider the amount of cars being charged linking to downtime. Therefore, businesses may require more charging points to suit the demand to charge many electric vehicles all at once but does not have to be fast chargers.
Your charging stations may be used by customers, guests and even employees where you will be unaware of the electric vehicle model so you have to focus on estimating the usage depending on what you are aware like the number of customers, employees and guests with electric vehicles. The operator may advise you on purchasing the best chargers during his visit so you have the ability to accommodate many vehicles. You can start off by having a few chargers and then analysing the usage before growing.

Ensure you are supplying 100% renewable energy
Since you are investing in a green business initiative it is obvious that you supply sustainable energy. At the moment there are many developing companies that supply 100% renewable energy with zero carbon such as Statkraft, Bryt, Mer providing energy from solar, wind and hydro.
